
What is Dream Forge?

What started as an idea of just filming friends snowboarding and messing around turned into a dream to make art and display our little world through whatever medium we want to give a try on any given day. Whether it be film or music or snowboarding or surfing. Dream Forge is a place to make the dreams we have a reality. 

“I came up with the idea for Dream Forge because I wanted to build something lasting that we could have and look back on with fondness that we pursued our dreams to the fullest and had fun doing it. it’s not about being the best (as evan says we are aggressively average) it’s about sharing good times with your friends and making something out of nothing. At the end of the day just send it cause it’s softer than concrete!” - Founder, Jonah Schacter (@tommyfronto)

Do you have an idea you want to become a reality? We shoot everything from action sports to ads or social media content to music videos to concerts. We also have video and audio editing services. Contact us with your ideas and inquiries and let us make your dreams come true!

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